AB 090 - Heavy load bronze wrapped bushings catalogue
2016-2-23 View:
AB 090 - Heavy load bronze-bushing Wrapped bushings
(Downloading AB090 Model Numbers Wrapped Bushings Catalogue here)
Products in the AB 090/AB 092-group
- AB 090 Plain bushing, diamond-shaped grease pockets inner surface
- ABB 090 Flanged bushing, diamond-shaped greasepockets inner surface
- ABW 090 Washer with diamond-shaped greasepockets one one side
- AB 090-S Plain sheets with diamond shaped grease pockets on one side
- AB 092 Plain bushing with punched through holes, to be used as lubrication reservoires
- ABB 092 Flanged bushing with punched through holes, to be used as lubrication reservoires
- Items according to drawing (can be produced on request)
- Pre:BRM 10KONTIMA AB Sliding bearing bushings catalogue 2016/2/23
- Next:SKF PRM Wrapped Bronze – plain cylindrical bushings catalogu 2016/2/23